Monday, May 19, 2014

1984 Socratic Seminar Preparation 4

Laura Schwartz
Period 1

1984 Socratic Seminar Preparation 4

Part I: Summary

In Book three, Winston and Julia were tortured to the point where they betrayed each other. They no longer love each other and both have submitted to the beliefs of the party.

Part II: Questions

Level 2 Questions

1.     Do you think that the Parsons children were evil for turning their father into the thought-police?

I do not think that the Parsons children are necessarily evil for turning their father into the thought-police. Although it was a horrible thing for the children to do, they did not know any better because throughout their whole lives the party had manipulated them.

2.     What do you think the goal of torturing prisoners is for the party?

I think that the party tortures prisoners, as a way of forcing them to submit to the control of the party. Under such severe pain, people will usually try to do anything to escape the pain. This ultimately led Winston into accepting whatever O’Brien told him, and that was probably the party’s goal.

3.     Why do you think Winston felt so gracious and loving towards O’Brien after O’Brien noted his strength?

I think that Winston was going slightly crazy when he was being tortured. Torture and pain can cause you to not think straight. Emotions were probably spinning through Winston’s head, so when O’Brien said something along the lines of kind, Winston became overwhelmed with gratitude.

4.     Do you think it was wrong of Winston to betray Julia?

I do not think Winston betrayed Julia, just to throw her under the bus. It was not wrong of him to betray her because he did it instinctively. He was not thinking clearly and he was terrified. The party had messed him up psychologically to the point where he betrayed the one he loved.

5.     Why do you think Winston no longer felt love for Julia?
I think that Winston no longer felt love for Julia because the party had completely broken him. After being tortured, he began to think like the party and took no interest in love anymore. The party won full control over his mind and he could not go back to loving Julia.

6.     Why do you think Big Brother made Winston feel happy and safe at the end of the book?
I think Big Brother made Winston feel happy and safe at the end of the book because the party had completely altered Winston’s way of thinking. The party made Winston love Big Brother. Winston most likely feels safe when he sees Big Brother because he knows that if he submits to Big Brother, the party will not go after him.

Level 3 Questions

1.     Can torture break the strongest relationship?

I think that torture can break any relationship because when a person is tortured all they can think about is their own survival and escaping the torture. When you are being tortured, you are not thinking clearly and you do not think about your love for another person. All you want is to escape that torture, so the other person and the relationship becomes irrelevant.

2.     Can totalitarian regimes truly win control over peoples’ minds?

Right now, I do not think totalitarian regimes can truly win control over peoples’ minds because they do not have the technology to do so. Unlike in 1984, for instance, today we don’t have thought-police where we can constantly monitor peoples’ thoughts. Totalitarian regimes can punish and torture those who rebel and cause them to submit to their way of thinking, but they cannot invade or control the thoughts of everyone.

3.     Can totalitarian regimes be good for people?

I do not think totalitarian regimes can be good for people. I do not think that any form of government that tries to control and oppress people so much can be good. Even if the government is doing good things, it is very restrictive and people would not have basic rights, or freedom.


1.     “ War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” (Party slogans)
2.     “You want it to happen to the other person. You don’t give a damn what they suffer. All you care about is yourself.” (Julia describing her betrayal against Winston, when the party tortured her)

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